This year, Petty Family Goats let us have a nursing herd, and so there were some seriously cute goat picture opportunities. The goats did their best work yet for us — cleared the weeds, didn’t damage the bunch grass, knocked down the fuel load around the structures. This year we also knew to fence them away from the trails. (last year we might have accidentally discovered that goats like to make wallows in gravel paths, and poop all over everything, because, they’re, well… goats. )
Thanks to our donors, the Adopt-a-Goat campaign raised over a thousand dollars for this project! That’s half the money needed to pay for this year’s caprine* buffet. We see you, Lynn, Carolyn, Jack, Tamera, Debora, Matt, Debbie, Melissa, Martha, Susan, Lou, Helen, Jackie, Kathryn, and we are grateful.
If you want to be associated with these excellent humans, (or if you want to support environmentally friendly land management practices), you can make a donation here. And if you want to see a video of goats coming running when Duane brings over an extra load of Russian thistle, head on over to Facebook!
- bovine = cows, porcine = pigs, equine = horses… and caprine = goats! Aren’t you glad you read all the way to the end? 🙂