We recorded it! Frenchtown Virtual History Jam vol. 1
Scroll down for a link to the video.
Note: No historians were harmed in the creation of this video. Watch to the end for a taste test of Malvina Riel’s butter tarts.
The Valley Giving Guide Frenchtown campaign has raised $1,160! That’s a small slice of the $1.5 million that the campaign has raised for the Walla Walla Valley, but a great start towards our goal of $5,000.
Why $5,000? Well, that’s about how much money we raise for the Frenchtown site at our annual events, canceled by COVID. We use this money to pay insurance, pump the toilet, print the posters, and rent the goats.
How much time is left? Just two weeks until the end of the year… and the end of the campaign. Valley Giving Guide contributions are eligible for bonus funds and incur no fees thanks to BCMF and event sponsors. Now is the time to contribute!
Frenchtown Family Stories vol. 1
In which Sam and Toni share some Pambrun family history and do a little detective work. Click to watch the recording on Youtube!
Sam even says he’ll do more of these… if he finds out that people like them. So let us know what you think!