The THIRD annual Saint Jean Baptiste Day Celebration was held at the Frenchtown site on Saturday, June 21, 2014.
That year’s celebration of French-Canadian culture at the Frenchtown Historic Site featured songs and presentations by the Voyageurs & Co. from Vancouver, British Columbia, a bus tour of several different Frenchtown cabin sites, a barbecue potluck dinner, and an evening contra dance.
Events began at 2:00 pm with an orientation and an approximately hour and a half bus tour of original Frenchtown cabin locations. Beginning at 2:30 there was traditional finger weaving instruction for children, youth and others led by Mechtild Morin from Vancouver, B.C. At 4:00, there was a guided tour of the Prince’s cabin restoration project at the site. At 4:15, the Voyageurs & Co. choir sang and taught a selection of French, Canadian, and First Nations songs of the 17-20th centuries taken from among the 13,000 known voyageur songs and variations. At 5:00, all were invited to a potluck barbecue dinner followed by a second performance by the Voyageurs at 6:00. At 7 pm, the local folklore society, Walla Walla Friends of Acoustic Music, provided an introduction to contra dancing, followed by a free contra dance from 7:30-10:30 featuring the Wednesday Night Band and several callers.