Upcoming Events

July 23, 10-12 am:

Prince’s Cabin Open House


Have you ever peered through the windows of the Prince’s Cabin, wishing you could go inside? Now’s your chance ! Frenchtown board members will be on hand to talk about the cabin restoration process and the history of trade and technology in the region.

June 18, 10-12 am: Sam Pambrun

Reading the Ruts: Historic Trails of the Walla Walla Valley.


Sometimes old maps don’t tell the truth, but the ruts never lie. Sam Pambrun knows–he’s walked them. 

Many of our modern roads follow existing Indigenous trails. Their pattern is still visible in Walla Walla’s main street, whose bend follows the historic Nez Perce trail. The Oregon Trail also left deep ruts on the topography of the Walla Walla valley. You can still see their shadows when the light is right.

Bryan Borstel took this photo with a big game spotting scope and a cell phone camera. It shows the ruts of the Oregon Trail on the foothills to the south of the Whitman Mission. Narcissa would climb the hill with her telescope and see wagons coming six hours before they reached the Mission.

Join us June 18 at the Frenchtown site at 10 am for this hands-on presentation. We’ll have pictures and historic maps to share, and Sam’s inexhaustible well of knowledge of local history and the land. Come learn about the Mullan Road, the Celilo road, the Kolecki maps, and how Thomas and Ruckel pulled a fast one.